Monday, August 21, 2017


Comedian Jerry Lewis has died at the age of 91. In terms of the multitalented comedian-singer-actors who loomed large during my childhood, Jerry Lewis was not really part of that pantheon. I have clearer recall of people like Bob Hope and Carol Burnett; I even vaguely remember folks like Bing Crosby, Dean Martin (who apparently worked closely with Lewis for a decade before a falling-out), and Sammy Davis, Jr. When I think of Jerry Lewis, I automatically associate him with those telethons, which I never watched. I understand he's considered a comedic icon who had a turbulent show-business career, but I can't point to a single Lewis production, film or otherwise, that stands out in my memory. That's a lame admission, given how much of a cultural influence Lewis exerted and embodied, but I can't lie: his passing doesn't affect me all that much. Sorry, folks.

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